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Day 2: Medical students continue to protest against SKIMS for not holding clinical classes | KNO



kno news

Srinagar, Jan 02 (KNO): There is no let-up in the student's protest against the SKIMS medical college Srinagar for not holding classes and converting the premises into a non-Covid hospital. Dozens of students on Saturday morning assembled outside the SKIMS OPS block and raised slogans with placards in their hands demanding class work besides the non-Covid functioning of the hospital. The protesting students while talking to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said that the SKIMS medical college authorities have failed to resume normal functioning of the hospital despite directions from the National Medical Council (NMC), thus forcing patients to suffer for the want of medical assistance and depriving students of regular classes. The medical students said that the administration for the sake of 10 Covid positive patients has turned the entire hospital into a designated Covid-19 facility leaving the rest of the patients on God's mercy. The protesting student also said that no surgeries were done for the past months and people across the valley are suffering. "Besides valley people, PG, SR, and UG students are suffering equally since there is no IPD, emergency with closed hostels, and no classes for them for a couple of months now," they said. "For the sake of treatment to 8 Covid patients here, the rest of the valley patients have been left to suffer for want of medical attention since no surgeries were done in all these past months", they said. The students also said that last year the NMC, issued the guidelines to all the medical colleges to start Non-Covid beds but the guidelines have been violated by the administration itself. The protesting students have sought the direct intervention of higher authorities and requested them to resume normal functioning (Non-Covid facility) and commence the classwork for students especially the clinical classes. Notably, MBBS students held a series of protests against the SKIMS medical college administration since December last year. The protest continued for the second day on Saturday with the participation of both male and female students besides the PG, SR's and UG students—(KNO)

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